Eddison So
[email protected]
Summary Computer science student that specializes in enterprise systems and backend engineering. I am currently seeking opportunities to further my knowledge in these fields by to improve my knowledge in engineering practices that increase reliability and performance of software.
Education Stevens Institute of Technology
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science, 2024 Fall
Minor in Mathematics

Experience Stevens Institute of Technology
Integrated Spatial Modeling and Remote Sensing Technologies Laboratory
Research Assistant

The goal of the project is to develop a scalable network of sensors that provide a novel method of tracking flood in urban regions. My role in the project is to add additional sensor functionality through the use of a static rain-gauge and develop the backend infrastructure to support data persistence and processing.

Sensor Development:
  • Integrated additional sensor function by implementing precipitation sensor by modifying the microcontroller configuration to allow for an additional serial device.
  • Assisted in the implementation of LoRaWAN functionality by rewriting sensor firmware for periodic polling with LoRaWAN network.

Backend Development:
  • Designed backend infrastructure to allow for horizontal scaling across stateless services (API service and mapping webservice).
  • Utilized the Flask micro-framework for API access to the persistence of sensor data.
  • Designed database schema to persist various domain model objects such as sensors and sensordata.
  • Utilized PostgreSQL for the atomic operations during the persistence of data to support a high number of concurrent read/write operations from sensors and users.
  • Utilized nginx to loadbalance across multiple Flask instances.
  • Deployed using Docker to allow for inter-container networking and consistent deployment using Docker Compose.
  • Utilized Folium and Plotly for data visualization on the mapping webserver.
Stevens Institute of Technology
Course Assistant for CS382 (Computer Architecture and Organization)
  • Held laboratory sessions to guide students through low-level programming and computer organization.
  • Held office hours to assist students with course material.
Stevens Institute of Technology
Course Assistant for CS392 (Systems Programming)
  • Held laboratory sessions to guide students through systems programming using Linux.
  • Held office hours to assist students with course material.
Projects Reels
HackNJIT Project
Backend Developer
  • Collaborated with team members to decide technical requirements.
  • Developed backend and database schema to support CRUD operations and data persistence.
  • Utilized Google Cloud for image storage and hosting.
  • Utilized Docker for consistent deployment.